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Kumarika Nourishing Hair Oil (100/200ml)

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RM 11.90
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RM 11.90
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RM 0.00
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Kumarika Nourishing Hair Oil Herbal Hair Fall Control 100%Natural Ayurveda Herbs

Product Description
Formulated with the Goodness of Natural ingredients and Indigenous herbs
Prevents dryness, nourishes hair from within, strengthens hair roots
Aids in Hair GROWTH
Prevents split ends, Premature graying

Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera, Gotukola (Centella Asiatica), Mukunuwenna (Altemanthera Sessilis), Amla, Vetiver Root.

Centella Asiatica:
Provides nourishment hair and keeps it healthy. Protects scalp and strengthens hair roots. Prevents split ends.

Altemanthera Sessilis:
Improves lustre of hair. Aids hair growth.

Coconuts (Cocos Nucifera):
Aids nourishment and provides shine to hair. Brings hair back to life, prevents premature discolouration
Aloe Vera:
Provides nourishment and moisture to your hair.Prevents dryness of hair.

Nelli –Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica):
Contains Vitamin C. Prevents growth of bacteria. Strengthens hair roots and provides shine to hair.

Vetiveriya Sexonoides:
Keeps hair and scalp healthy.

Kumarika herbal hair oil how to use it
For hair

1. Pour oil onto palm of your hand

2. Massage into hair

3. For long hair apply at the tips to prevent split ends

To keep hair healthy oil can be applied before shower on dry hair, it is recommended to leave oil on for a couple of hours or overnight before washing out. The herbal hair oil can be left on the hair as a normal moisturizer with no need to wash out. Apply after blow drying to prevent damage due to moisture taken out by heat.